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Komum svo heim og hvildum okkur orlitid-vorum svo ad koma heim, en vid forum bara herna i hverfinu a sushi stad. Namm namm, bordudum a okkur gat og drukkum sapporo med fyrir hva 2400 isk total!
Ohh saum svo ibud a leigu og tokum hana! Grin en samt alger draumur i dos herna! Er einhver med rad fyrir lunar lappir?
Gott nudd frá B ;) eða rosalega gott bað með söltum.
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Ég hringdi og smsaði en fékk bara talhólf og ekkert svar.
Síminn minn er á blogginu mínu. Hringjumst og borðum eitthvað vont og gerum eitthvað leiðinlegt!!!
Hlakka til.
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Lion and The Fox
A lion, his wife, and a fox were sitting together. The fox was making fun of the lion saying why don’t you cut your ugly hair; you call yourself the king of the jungle more like the mop of the jungle. Oh, you think your so fierce, you sissy. The lion’s wife had enough of this. She told her husband “If you aren’t going to make the fox stop I will”. The lion looked at her and said “Be calm and ignore him he just wants to make you angry. Ignore him” The fox hearing this told her that if her husband was a real lion he would defend her. The lioness very angry by now attacked the fox. The fox ran and ran, but the lioness was close on his heel. He entered a pipe and got out on the other end, but the lioness was stuck. So he took a cigarette and started burning her ass. Finally when the lioness got out of the pipe she went to her husband with her head bent low. He looked at her and said: “He took you to the pipe.” I have been there!
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Two Scottish nuns have just arrived in USA by boat and one says to the other, "I hear that the people of this country actually eat dogs."
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Nodding emphatically, the mother superior points to a hot dog vendor and they both walk towards him. "Two dogs, please," says one.
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