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Life of grime
The star was facing charges of assault and malicious damage, which were later dismissed. The charges stem from an incident at the Annandale Hotel (May 27) when he allegedly kicked a photographer’s camera during a gig for radio station Triple M.
According to The Herald Sun, following the brief ten-minute hearing Nicholls said: “I’m free.”
Nicholls was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome after one of the band’s crew members alerted management to its existence, despite years of attempts by psychologists and psychiatrists to find the correct diagnosis.
Asperger Syndrome is a neurobiological disorder which causes the sufferer to exhibit autistic-like behaviour and marked deficiencies in social and communication skills.
People with AS have difficulties with transitions or changes and prefer sameness. They often have obsessive routines and may be preoccupied with a particular subject of interest.
Asperger Syndrome has only been recognised by professionals for a few years and those diagnosed with the disorder are often overly sensitive to sounds, tastes, smells, and sights. The person with AS may prefer soft clothing, certain foods, and be bothered by sounds or lights no one else seems to hear or see.
These neurological differences may cause odd or unusual behaviour. Before diagnosis, those with the condition are sometimes thought of as eccentric, absent minded, socially inept or awkward physically.
Þar hafiði það...hvað ætli margir renni í gegnum kerfið án þess að fá rétta greiningu, enda margoft í fangelsi og svo fram eftir götunum. Ef aðeins læknar og sérfæðingar greindu oftar...Það myndi án efa bæta líf margra og svo ég tali nú ekki um sparnaðinn fyrir ríkið...Hef lesið rannsóknir sem gerðar hafa verið á fangelsum í Svíþjóð, þar sem 50% fanganna eru með athyglisbrest og ofvirkir oft með! Ef rétt greining væri fyrir henid, þá jafnvel myndi þetta fólk ekki lenda á ''the wrong path of life''....